This full-body workout incorporates strength and stability with functional movement patterns that fit right into your day! Perform 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 10 reps for each exercise.
Equipment: 5 to 10-pound Dumbbell, kettlebell, or medicine ball
How To: Stand tall with your desired weight in front of your chest in a goblet rack position. Maintain a neutral spine as you lead the squat with your hips, lowering until your thighs are parallel (or slightly below) to the ground. Drive your feet into the floor to return to a standing plank position.
Equipment: Dumbbells, kettlebell, or medicine ball
How To: Start with 5 to 8-pound weights in a front rack position (elbows under the weights), standing tall with feet shoulder-width apart. Press the weight overhead until your arms are fully extended, keeping a neutral spine and tall posture throughout and come back to starting position.
Equipment: Dumbbells or a kettlebell
How To: Stand in a staggered stance with one foot slightly ahead of the other. Hold 5 to 10-pound weights at your sides, arms extended. Hinge at the hips to lower the weights below your knee, maintaining a straight back. Push through your front foot and the ball of your back foot to return to the start.
Equipment: Dumbbell or kettlebell
How To: Hold the weight in front of your chest with your core brace. Slowly circle the weight around your head, lifting one elbow and then the other. Maintain an upright posture and return to the start.
Equipment: Floor mat
How To: Start in a plank position with your elbows and wrists directly under your shoulders. Extend your legs, keeping your body in a straight line. Hold with a neutral and engaged core. Complete this circuit for a balanced strength session that builds power, mobility, and stability!